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USI Cyberbullying Policy

[…]it here. Combating Cyberbullying in Third Level About USI “The Union of Students in Ireland (USI) fights to protect and strives to enhance the student experience. USI is the sole national representative body for students in Ireland with over 250,000 members across 30 colleges. Throughout our history, USI has worked relentlessly in the pursuit of student rights in all areas and raising awareness in all areas of the student experience”.  Objectives of the Union of Students’ in Ireland: An education and training system open to all, irrespective of any consideration, including consideration of national origin, ethnic background, age, ability, sex, […]

USI Affiliation – Who Benefits?

[…]The people who supported SPUC against students.  The people who look at the more equal Ireland and its improving – but nowhere near perfect – opportunities for students in 2015 and wish it was a little bit more like 1983. The people who want students to meekly, silently do what they are told, to pay their fees, to do graduate work for Job Bridge wages.  They benefit from a weakened student movement.  They benefit from UCC outside USI.  They benefit – but students lose […]

Joint Call on HE Funding Crisis

[…]Association (THEA) representing the 14 Institutes of Technology, the Union of Students in Ireland (USI), representing the majority of third level students, the Irish Federation of University Teachers (IFUT) and the Teachers Union of Ireland (TUI), both representing teaching staff across the sector.Photos: syndicated by Jason Clarke – – 087 252 […]

Logue regrets loss of UCD but is hopeful for re-affiliation in near future

[…]on and supported by UCDSU, will take place one calendar year after the notification is made to USI National Council. In the period between now and then, USI has an opportunity to prove the value and worth of the organisation and win back the wholehearted support of UCD’s students. USI is proud of its work protecting students from the worst effects of the financial crisis, its campaigns for gender and marriage equality and its efforts to promote mental and sexual health. We hope that UCD students will join these campaigns again in the future, as their input has been profoundly […]
Read more » Logue regrets loss of UCD but is hopeful for re-affiliation in near future

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