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18,000 students register to vote

[…]Unions and societies has been incredible. Students have shown that they are engaged with and understand the issues, and these figures demonstrate the determination of our members to effect change.” Drives took place in campuses across Ireland, led by students’ unions as part of a co-ordinated national […]

Everyone Loves Nurses: Am I Worth €6.49?

[…]50% of the starting graduate salary. In previous years this used to be 80% of the starting salary. USI and student nurses from across the country are telling Minister James Reilly, who previously said they can “emigrate or work in a fast food service if unhappy”, that they’ve had enough. USI President Joe O’Connor said: “The message to Minister Reilly today is loud and clear; change the starting salary level back to €26,000 for newly graduated nurses. This drop in starting salary is actively encouraging young graduate nurses to emigrate. Our hospitals need nurses to stay in Ireland to work. […]

USI Officerboard Nomination Deadline

[…]nominations to USI Officerboard positions to be elected at USI Congress 2013 will pass at 5.00pm today, February 7, 2013  after which nominations will not be accepted. The preferred method of nomination is by scanned document on your union’s headed notepaper to, with your hard copy to follow.  The document should be signed by the president of your union. In addition, faxes will be accepted at the USI 01 447 5081.  Transmission time must be before […]

Youth vote critical to equal marriage referendum, say Student Leaders

  The Union of Students in Ireland (USI) and the Northern Union of Students (NUS-USI) launched their campaign today for equal access to civil marriage. Students’ Union Officers from across the island have gathered in Dublin City University this week for their annual Students’ Union Training (SUT). Both USI and NUS-USI are committed to campaigning for a yes vote in the spring 2015 referendum and USI has a clear mandate to register and mobilise students to vote. USI has also recently called for reform to the voter registration process in Ireland to create a facility for online voter registration and […]
Read more » Youth vote critical to equal marriage referendum, say Student Leaders

Union of Students in Ireland statement on Irish AIDS Day 2021

[…]HIV transmissions and we can get to zero by 2030. It is important to get tested and know your status and through effective HIV treatment or medication resulting in an undetectable viral load the risk of HIV being passed on through sex is zero. Undetectable = Untransmittable (U=U) To celebrate Pride, HIV Ireland are providing free HIV self-tests every day for the rest of Pride month with orders go live every day at 2pm on […]
Read more » Union of Students in Ireland statement on Irish AIDS Day 2021

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