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Students Demand Fair Representation In Technological University Bill Debate

‘If students are put on the backbench with this bill, we will not support it’, says USI The Union of Students in Ireland (USI) are demanding that students are treated as partners in the governance of their institutions when final amendments to the Technological Universities Bill 2015 are deliberated on. The Bill is to be debated by the Select Committee on Education and Skills at its meeting today, Wednesday, 15th of November 2017. Speaking ahead the meeting, USI President Michael Kerrigan said, “Students are always the ones left behind when it comes to creating the foundations of our higher education […]
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Students Disappointed As Senators Fail To Reject Student Loans

The Union of Students in Ireland (USI) today stated concern with the failure of a Labour private members motion in the Seanad on Wednesday 12th July, to reject any move to implement an income-contingent loan scheme but instead to publicly invest in third level education. The amendment from Government instead called that no decision be made until the Joint Committee on Education and Skills had published their recommendations.   Speaking after the vote, USI President Michael Kerrigan commented, “Not all of our Senators were brave enough to make the ambitious decision and reject an income contingent loan scheme, despite the […]
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Students Call On Senators To Reject Loans Scheme In Favour Of Public Investment In Education

Union of Students in Ireland (USI) today called on Senators to support a Labour private members motion this Wednesday, rejecting any move to implement an income-contingent loan scheme but instead to publicly invest in third level education. In advance of the debate, USI President Michael Kerrigan said, “A decision to go ahead with an income-contingent loan scheme will increase emigration and sends a clear message to our future students: take your €20,000 debt, your degree, and get out.  Ireland currently charges the 2nd highest higher education fees in Europe after the UK, and we’ve seen in the UK that the […]
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Students Take Action for Ibrahim’s Halawa’s Immediate Release

Students are to take further action over the coming days to see the release of Ibrahim Halawa in light of the Egyptian government delaying the imprisoned 21 year old’s trial for the 22nd time today. USI President Annie Hoey stated, “There have been 18 trial delays, and Ibrahim awaits his along with over 400 others​. He spent his 21st birthday in jail. He has engaged in a hunger strike​ due to poor conditions​. This treatment cannot be allowed to continue on a human rights basis and we can’t ignore it”​ ​USI is calling on students across the country to put […]
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USI gears up to recognise student achievement

The Union of Students in Ireland is gearing up today for the annual Student Achievement Awards Ireland, which aims to recognise the contribution students and their representatives have made inside and beyond the student community. The glittering awards ceremony, taking place in Dublin Castle this evening (20/04/2017) will honour students and invited guests from North and South of the island for their hard work and determination. The awards will be hosted by journalist and online personality Clare Cullen, with the keynote address by Senator Lynn Ruane.  The evening will conclude with the presentation of the President’s Award. SAAI nominations are […]
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