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ESU – The European Students’ Union

[…]is unconventional and open for new thoughts. We, as experts of higher education bring in courageous and smart ideas through a fresh and spontaneous, but professional […]

National Student Accommodation Survey

[…]to hear from you on your experiences with student housing. This survey takes just over 5 minutes and will provide useful data to make a positive impact in the current student accommodation crisis in Ireland. This survey will look at areas of housing such as; Housing situation (PBSA, private rental, digs) Accommodation choices (the reasons why you chose your accommodation) Security of tenure Accommodation preferences Students and homelessness Tenants’ Rights and Lease / Licence Agreement Cost of accommodation Finding accommodation Accommodation quality In 2017, USI released a similar survey in which 3,447 students across Ireland took part in. Some of […]

Dundalk IT hosts Mental Health Day to Challenge Stigma and See Change on Campus

[…]and the wider community. The full day’s programme is available at: events/345-campus-tour-2012 -ENDS-  NOTE TO EDITORS 1. To arrange an interview with from a spokesperson from any of the organisations involved, contact Sorcha Lowry (Communications Officer, See Change) on 0867954391 or About See Change: See Change, the National Mental Health Stigma Reduction Partnership, is an alliance of over 60 organisations working together to bring about positive change in public attitudes and behaviour towards people with mental health problems.  About Suicide or Survive (SOS): SOS is an Irish charity focussed on breaking down the stigma associated with mental […]
Read more » Dundalk IT hosts Mental Health Day to Challenge Stigma and See Change on Campus

The Week in USI 28th Jan – 3rd Feb, 2017

[…]submit your story in confidence. The Vice President for Welfare met with Problem Gambling Ireland and Rutland centre on Gambling control bill lobbying and campaign. Finalised preparations for the Irish Survey of Student Engagement ( starting next week. The Vice President for Equality & Citizenship was appointed to National Advisory Panel for the ESHTE (Ending Sexual Harassment and Violence in Third Level) Project by the National Women’s Council of Ireland this week. The project will formally launch early April. USI completed and submitted a submission to the National Women’s Council. You can read our submisison here. The Vice President for […]

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