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SUSI urges students to submit their student grant applications before the July 13th deadline

Calling all new applicants for SUSI grants! Remember to submit your application before the priority closing date TODAY, 13th of July.  For more information check out the SUSI website below 👇 For SUSI Support Desk:   0761 08 7874 See below from SUSI: The national student grant awarding body, SUSI (Student Universal Support Ireland), is urging students who have yet to submit their applications for student grant funding for the 2017/18 academic year to do so now. The deadline for applications is this Thursday, July 13th. SUSI is currently in its sixth year of operations and opened its 2017/18 online application […]
Read more » SUSI urges students to submit their student grant applications before the July 13th deadline

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The Union of Students in Ireland are very active in education third level students about consent through national campaigns, policy and lobbying the government for extra support. USI were on the group for creating the Consent Framework which is now being implemented across the country.   Want to tackle gender base violence on your campus? Check out the toolkit below:  👉 The IT STOPS NOW toolkit was created by one of our close partners in the National Women’s Council of Ireland (NWCI). The main aim of this toolkit is to tackle gender based violence and to end sexual harassment and […]

Students urged to register to vote ahead of November deadline

Students are being urged to register to vote before the upcoming deadline of November 25 by the Union of Students in Ireland. USI and local Students’ Unions are encouraging students to download the voter registration forms and post them to their local office to ensure they are registered to vote. USI and local Students’ Unions usually register thousands of students every year through on-campus voter registration drives. That has not been possible in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, however, it is still extremely important that students ensure they get on the register. USI President, Lorna Fitzpatrick said: “A lot of students first get on the […]
Read more » Students urged to register to vote ahead of November deadline

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