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‘No announcement of funding for reduction in Student Contribution Charge is not acceptable’

[…]move to a fully publicly funded higher education system, which is free at the point of access, in order to make third level accessible to all and not just for those who can afford the significant costs. And while USI welcomes that Government has ruled out student loans as an approach to funding higher education, it is frustrating that student contributions will continue to be a key part of the funding stream. USI President, Clare Austick said: “We welcome that this conversation is happening and that we finally have some detail on how government plans to fund higher education in […]
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Executive uses cancelled Congress week to virtually meet student reps

[…]this important work takes place. We will say more about that when the elements are tied down in order to allow it to be as democratic as possible. Our democratic structures are extremely important to us and the Congress Director is currently engaged in this process.” However, while these elements are explored and finalised, Lorna explained that she and the rest of the National Executive are using the time to talk to as many student representatives as possible. She explained: “We are engaged in a number of national spheres, but we are also making sure that we are fully in […]
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Carlow Show Their Community Spirit

[…]be engaging with the local community in Carlow. Many of our students rely heavily on the grant in order to progress in college. And it’s not just current students who will suffer from the cuts in grants and the rise in fees but also the students who will be attending college in the years to come.  We aim to make people aware of this and reach as many local people as possible”. Ciara Guinan USI VP Southern Region: “Students play a vital role in the local community in Carlow and in communities’ right across the country. Communities need to unite […]

USI backs call for an urgent increase to postgraduate research stipends

[…]which I have signed on behalf of USI, calls for all stipends to be increased to €28,000 in order to address inflation, the housing and cost-of-living crises, and in recognition of the new government valuation on PhD-level research as seen in their most recent PhD funding initiative.” The open letter goes on to say that that PhD students feel they are not valued, and some have expressed doubts as to the point of continuing when they could get much better-paid jobs in the industry. Read the full text of the open letter […]
Read more » USI backs call for an urgent increase to postgraduate research stipends

Cost of college passes €1,000 per month: Students respond

[…]education as they see the value that it brings, are clearly making enormous sacrifices in order to bring this about. The increasing borrowing of these parents highlighted in the survey continues a worrying trend whereby the most vulnerable families are trapped in a spiral of more and more debt. Any further increases in the costs of college through increased student charges or reductions in the maintenance grant will merely serve to further attack struggling families already crippled by wider recessionary measures. We would call on the Government and Minister Quinn to have the costs of college at the forefront of […]
Read more » Cost of college passes €1,000 per month: Students respond

USI supports Seanad Éireann motion to provide employment rights and protections to PhD researchers

[…]engage with representative organisations of lecturers and postdoctoral and PhD researchers in order to begin to address this systemic issue. Introduce regulations or legislate to ensure all persons employed to teach in higher education institutions earn a living wage at a minimum. Engage with the Higher Education Authority, universities and higher education institutions, trade unions and other worker representative organisations to develop regulations around the use of fixed-term and part-time contracts and contracts of indefinite duration. Work with relevant stakeholders to develop a tangible plan to end precarity in higher education. Invest in public research and public-public partnerships for research, […]
Read more » USI supports Seanad Éireann motion to provide employment rights and protections to PhD researchers

Re-opening funding package welcome, clarity needed on some aspects

[…]and that students are involved in working out the detail and the roll-out of these provisions in order for them to make as much impact as possible. We welcome the release of the plan for re-opening. However, it is almost the end of July, we feel it should have been released sooner as students need clarity now on how the new academic year will […]
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FAQs on Fees, Withdrawals and Disputes

[…]surrounding exams and progression; Speak to the lecturer responsible for the module in order to find out why you failed; Ask your department about your options for repeat or appeal; Discuss your options with your students’ union.   How do I check the progress of a grant application? You can check the progress of your grant application using the SUSI grant Application Tracker. You need your application reference number (it usually begins with a W) and some other login details that you’ll have created yourself at the start of the application process. The SUSI helpline (0761 08 7874) or your […]

USI urges Minister for Health to back international students health insurance bill

[…]health insurance. No other group in the country is required to have private health insurance. In order to rectify this anomaly and ensure equality for all students, Senator Malcolm Byrne has introduced a Seanad Private Members Bill titled the Health Insurance (International Students) (Amendment) Bill 2021. This Bill is a simple Bill and would remove international students from the definition of ordinarily resident, thereby removing the legal requirement for them to have very expensive private health insurance and allowing them access more affordable and tailored insurance that meets all requirements. We would urge you to support this Bill and to work with other Government colleagues to help protect the higher education sector […]
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Students across island of Ireland urge TDs to sign pledge and join USI’s new Education for All campaign

[…]be staging socially distanced protests calling for urgent action on higher education funding in order to make sure that there is Education for All across this island. The USI and Students’ Unions will be encouraging students to get involved in the campaign and contact their local representatives. The pledge is available at and we will continue to call on every TD to sign the pledge and commit to working with us on these vital issues which prevent Ireland from proving Education for All.”  The over-reliance on the private sector to meet student accommodation needs is also outlined in the […]
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On World Suicide Prevention Day, USI calls for necessary investment to bring the number of student counsellors up to recommended ‘safe and ethical’ levels

[…]USI says Government needs a plan to increase this funding by €11.5 million in order to reach safe counsellor to student ratios to combat the mental health crisis currently affecting our young people, including our students. This crisis was shown in the Jigsaw My World 2 survey where 8,290 of those surveyed were students, and of the over 8,000 student respondents, 10 per cent said that they had attempted suicide. Of those who tried to take their own lives, 54 per cent said they tried to get help afterwards, and of those, 48 per cent said they found it ‘difficult/very difficult’ to […]
Read more » On World Suicide Prevention Day, USI calls for necessary investment to bring the number of student counsellors up to recommended ‘safe and ethical’ levels

USI Fighting to Keep Insurance Rates for International Students Down

[…]amendments that would overturn this decision. Amendments tabled thus far have been ruled out of order by the chair.    International students already pay extortionate fees to study in this country and should be able to avail of insurance that meets their needs and doesn’t put them out of pocket by hundreds of euros. Moreover, the insurance cover currently used by students go beyond health and also includes repatriation, but under this judgement there will be no repatriation covered, meaning that students are likely to have worse cover than at present. Up to 30,000 students could be affected by the […]
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USI publishes views on higher education delivery for rest of semester one

[…]be put in place by Government and institutions and a focus put on online teaching and learning in order to provide clarity for the rest of this semester, according to the Union of Students in Ireland. Having consulted USI’s member organisations and considered an independent report carried out in the UK on COVID-19 outbreaks among students there, USI says a decision needs to be made to keep college learning online – except for courses that necessitate in person delivery – while ensuring students are properly supported. USI President, Lorna Fitzpatrick explained that students and the rest of the third-level sector […]
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Student Digs: National Survey 2023 report published

[…]a requirement to have a written agreement which sets out minimum protections for both parties in order to benefit from the rent-a-room tax breaks, but Government repeatedly says that such legislation would put homeowners off renting out rooms in their homes. However, this research shows that most homeowners feel more secure having an agreement, and the lack of legislation simply allows more malign homeowners a free reign to do whatever they when renting out a room to students or others. With the ability to make €14,000 on offer, there should be some basic rules and requirements, to stop people being evicted or […]
Read more » Student Digs: National Survey 2023 report published

OECD Link Between Youth Employment and Suicide is Frightening, Needs Action

[…]welcome, and the National Skills Map recently proposed by USI, ICTU and ISSU could be utilised in order to do this. But in this process it is vital that funding for Back to Education is not cut. Download the Locked Out: Investing In A Future For Youth and read the OECD Report here. For more information contact: Joe O’Connor USI President on […]
Read more » OECD Link Between Youth Employment and Suicide is Frightening, Needs Action

Union of Students in Ireland teams up with UPLIFT to call for signatories to open letter demanding student rent refunds

[…]are more vulnerable. Some students have underlying health conditions and have had to move home in order for them to be able to self-isolate away from their shared student accommodation. Some students had very tough decisions to make in a hurry, such as those from India who had 24 hours to decide whether to go home as the borders were closing and they didn’t have time to get reassurance on rent refunds. The USI is calling on the companies – ISA Accommodation Dublin, Uninest, Aparto and Athlone Student Rooms – to look at ways they can support students who have paid […]
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USI tenders wide-ranging submission to Government review of SUSI

[…]change in numerous areas to bring these important supports up to date and to the level required in order to open access to third-level education to as many people as possible for the benefit of society, our citizens and the economy.” The situation facing the many students who have also found themselves in receipt of the Pandemic Unemployment Payment because of income lost during the COVID-19 pandemic is also highlighted in the submission. It is USI’s understanding that this payment is currently being treated as reckonable income. USI believes that this payment should be treated like other social protection payments […]
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USI and We’re Not Leaving Ask: “Social Welfare Bill: Which Side Are You On Senators?”

[…]through no fault of their own, have found themselves having to rely on Jobseekers allowance in order to survive, the rates of which have now been savagely cut for those under 26.” The stunt was  organised by We’re Not Leaving, the Union of Students in Ireland (USI), ICTU Youth, the Young Workers Network, Mandate Youth and – who will all be lobbying the Seanad to have the €32 million cut overturned and replaced with a commensurate increase in the banking levy. For more information contact USI Communications & Research Executive Grainne O’Reilly on 087-6776636, or 01-9052100, or Máire Ní Mhurchú […]
Read more » USI and We’re Not Leaving Ask: “Social Welfare Bill: Which Side Are You On Senators?”

USI launches SHAG campaign “Whoever you like, love safer sex”

[…]available to them and that they discuss their personal needs and preferences with their doctor, in order to get the contraceptive option best suited to them.  Take the simple survey to explore the available options.  The results can be helpful to support further discussion with your doctor to identify the option that best suits your body and lifestyle”. Riona Durkan, Brand Manager of Durex Ireland: “Every student has the right to good sexual health and good sexual health education. As condoms are the only form of contraception that can protect against both pregnancy and STIs, we want people to feel […]
Read more » USI launches SHAG campaign “Whoever you like, love safer sex”

USI marks World Suicide Prevention Day 2020

[…]is encouraging students to know the signs, along with the supports and resources available, in order to be able to help friends and family members who may have suicidal thoughts, this World Suicide Prevention Day (10th September). The Union is also taking the opportunity to express its appreciation for the third level mental health funding recently announced by Minister Simon Harris, but also to recognise and highlight the need for sustainable annual core funding for student mental health services. USI Vice President for Welfare, Clare Austick said: “On World Suicide Prevention Day 2020, the USI and all its members remember […]

Students Call On Senators To Reject Loans Scheme In Favour Of Public Investment In Education

[…]that the government further subsidise higher education institutions by a minimum of €17.5m in order to deliver a reduction in the Student Contribution Charge of at least €250. Research shows income-contingent loans would cost €10bn over 12 years. The financial strain of college and the effects of student debt spans across all communities and groups including parents, children, staff and teachers – not just students. America’s student loan debt ($1tn+) is greater in value than the combined economies of Ireland, New Zealand, and Australia. With 10 of 14 Institutes of Technology in serious financial difficulty, using student debt to plug this gap […]
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Students Nationwide Stand Against Coca-Cola in #TasteZeroRights campaign

[…]clear that SIPTU and USI will continue to campaign together on issues of mutual interest and in order to support the aims of our members in both unions.” SIPTU Manufacturing Division Organiser, Teresa Hannick, said: “SIPTU members in Ballina Beverages in Coca Cola welcome the USI Congress support for their campaign for collective bargaining rights. They also welcome the USI Congress support for the IUF Taste Zero Rights campaign. “The company are clearly in breach of their own human rights policy by failing to engage in collective bargaining with SIPTU and its members. Hopefully, this motion will help the management […]
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USI Equality Policy

[…]to adopting equal opportunities policies and procedures as an employer and service provider in order to combat discrimination and value diversity. The Union of Students in Ireland will not tolerate discrimination based on gender, civil status, family status, age, disability, sexual orientation, race, religion, membership of the Traveller community, gender expression, gender identity, country of origin, socio-economic background. The first nine grounds are those specifically mentioned by the Equality Acts but discrimination can occur also on other characteristics. The Union of Students in Ireland reserves the right to add to these groups at any time. 3. Taking Action: The Union […]

Students Demand the Right to Access Third-Level Education in Ireland as part of Global Campaign

[…]Higher Education in Ireland is under threat. The judge in the initial ruling recognised that in order to be economically and socially prosperous in today’s society, it was imperative that citizens have access to higher education. The Government, rather than act to legislate on that right, shamefully challenged the ruling.” “Students in Ireland today face a soaring cost of living and the second highest fees in Europe, while Government has actively disinvested in third-level education. Education is a right, not a privilege. Thousands of students have mobilised against student loans, to defend the SUSI grant, and to demand that Government […]
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USI Welcomes Wage Increase Coming into Effect for Student Nurses and Midwives

[…]engaging with the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform and the Department of Health in order to secure incremental credit for these categories of nurses, to ensure they receive the same benefit as those qualifying in 2016.” The proposals arrived at involve the following as of the 1st March 2016 – The restoration of pay for students on 36 week placement directly linked to the staff nurse rate of pay The rate to be set is at 70% of the staff nurse rate of pay Incremental credit of €2014 will apply on graduation once 16 weeks of work has been […]
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Apprenticeship Fees

[…]of 70% of the fee is a burden on student apprentices. The decision should be reversed in order to foster the growth of apprenticeships and reach targets set out by the Department of Education and Skills . Institutes of Technology levied the student contribution in respect of apprentices since 2004, with FÁS and SOLAS paying up to 70% of the contribution and apprentices paying the remainder before the introduction of the new pro-rata Student Contribution fee of €1,000 per annum. The Programme for Government (p. 47) states that in partnership with the Apprenticeship Council and industry the Government will double the number […]

RTB and USI Launch Information Guide for Students

[…]01 702 8100.” Ms Carroll said that the RTB has also published a guide to security deposits in order to provide clarity on this frequently debated area. Both tenants and landlords should read this guide before initiating a tenancy to avoid any problems over the course of a tenancy. The RTB Rent Index provides the most accurate data on actual rents in areas around Ireland. Websites like are useful for renting, while Students’ Union Facebook groups or free websites like for digs are useful sources to find […]
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Development of App & Development of Interactive Map

[…]full ownership and intellectual property of the material developed. Making the applications In order to apply for either (or both) position(s) please send a CV, cover letter and budget to Aoife Price at . Examples of previous work and sample interface for this project are particularly welcome. Queries regarding application should also be sent to this address. Deadline for applications is 12 noon on the 29th of June 2018 Shortlisted tenderers may be asked to attend for […]
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[…]national charity. Congress mandates: The Vice President for Campaigns, the Vice President for the Border, Midlands and Western Region and the Vice President for the Southern Region to explore the feasibility of a National Fundraising Day for the next 3 years, with the aim of involving all Member Organisations in dedicated fundraising activities once a year.   12 CZN 2       STUDENTS IN THE WORKPLACE Congress notes: That in order to help fund their education, many students take up a part time job. Congress welcomes: The decision to reverse the cut to the minimum wage, which targeted students in part time […]

USI Partners With gradireland #FYI Event

[…]Showcase advises students on the skills they will need (and shows them how to acquire them) in order to help them decide what they want to do, and to get their career off to the best possible start when they graduate.” Mark Mitchell, Director, […]

Student Teachers Placement Report Launched

[…]main driver for stress. 71% of current placement students hold part-time jobs during placement in order to afford rent, materials for teaching, travel and food, citing the €1,500 Gaeltacht fee as the biggest motivation for working part-time while on placement. 89% of current students and 79% of graduates say that the compulsory Gaeltacht fee is too high. Speaking at the launch, USI President Michael Kerrigan, said, “Work placement is invaluable preparation for student teachers pursuing their vocation as educators. Students are following their dreams to teach the next generation while battling the high cost of living with no financial support […]

Using Student Feedback to Enhance Higher Education

[…]of higher education policy and practice.” Joe O’Connor, President of USI, said – “In order to enhance quality and standards in Higher Education, it is vitally important that the voice of the student is listened to and harnessed effectively. This survey, through this national partnership, allows us to gauge student feedback in a way we had previously been unable to. I would call on all students to ensure they have their say, and for Higher Education Institutions to take this input seriously in implementing initiatives following on from analysis of the data produced.” Some Results from the Pilot Survey 72% of […]
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Publicly Funded Higher Education

[…]that the government further subsidise higher education institutions by a minimum of €17m in order to deliver a reduction in the Student Contribution Charge of at least €250. One method to fund this is to increase percentage of tax revenue as a per cent of GDP (currently at 30% to the OECD average of 34% through progressive taxation measures.  This can be in the form of spending, income or revenue. If people can graduate debt free, they will immediately begin to save and spend more while contributing to the labour market.  Evidence shows that those 40 years old or younger […]

Hiring: Student Housing Project Executive

[…]role’s responsibilities; Carry out other duties and activities as may reasonably be required in order to support colleagues in achieving shared goals; Actively engage in individual and team professional development activities; Carry out the responsibilities of the role in a resource-efficient manner; Adhere to USI policies and practices, and actively support and promote USI vision, mission, and objectives.   To apply for this position, please send a CV and covering letter setting out your suitability for the role, to: by the deadline: 12th February 2016 at 5pm.   Late applications and canvassing will […]

Hiring: USI Student Mental Health Project Manager

[…]responsibilities; • Carry out other duties and activities as may reasonably be required in order to support colleagues in achieving shared goals; • Actively engage in individual and team professional development activities; • Carry out the responsibilities of the role in a resource-efficient manner; • Adhere to USI policies and practices, and actively support and promote USI vision, mission, and objectives. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND EXPERIENCE REQUIRED: Essential Criteria: Degree or equivalent in community development, research,youth work or in a relevant health, education or social sector discipline. Minimum of two years’ experience in developing and implementing programmes relevant to the youth […]
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Minister Harris Launches National Condom Distribution Service in Third Level Colleges

[…]in third level settings, in Trinity College, Dublin. From today, third-level institutions can order free condom dispensers from the HSE, which will enable the provision of free condoms and sexual health information to students on campuses nationwide. Information leaflets will be made available with the condom dispensers, which will outline to students how to use condoms correctly, and will emphasise the importance of using condoms consistently and every time sex happens. The information leaflets will direct students to HSE-led and HSE-funded websites for further information about sexual health and wellbeing; and Speaking ahead of the launch, the Minister for Health, Simon […]
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USI Launch 21 Day Energy Saving Challenge in GMIT

[…]taken to make a new one and a tonne of recycled paper saves 17 trees! Get your recycling in order!  Don’t leave the fridge door open for too long while getting food. For every 10–20 seconds the door is open it takes 45 minutes for the fridge to cool down to its original temperature. Limit Midnight Snacking!  By eating veggie two days a week you can reduce your food chain emissions by nearly 30%. The effect of one kilo of beef on the environment is equivalent to that of seven litres of petroleum so it pays to cut down and adopt a […]
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National campus climate survey of university students’ experiences reveal high levels of sexual violence and harassment

[…]report co-author said: “The SES survey shows there is a gap that our colleges need to make up in order to respond to students’ needs. Not only the needs of the large percentage of students who are directly affected by sexual misconduct and harassment, but also their peers – the people they are most likely to share these experiences with and who will be best placed as active bystanders to intervene to prevent future incidents. “Fortunately, the Department of Education and Skills supports the Consent Framework launched in 2019, which is one of the most progressive policies that there is […]
Read more » National campus climate survey of university students’ experiences reveal high levels of sexual violence and harassment

Minister Bruton Launches USI 21 Day Challenge with a Smart Brew

[…]taken to make a new one and a tonne of recycled paper saves 17 trees! Get your recycling in order!  Don’t leave the fridge door open for too long while getting food. For every 10–20 seconds the door is open it takes 45 minutes for the fridge to cool down to its original temperature. Limit Midnight Snacking!  By eating veggie two days a week you can reduce your food chain emissions by nearly 30%. The effect of one kilo of beef on the environment is equivalent to that of seven litres of petroleum so it pays to cut down and adopt a […]
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USI Submission to the Committee on Housing and Homelessness

[…]that will act as a corporation set up by the USI to tackle the student accommodation crisis in order to alleviate the pressure from the private rental market. 4. Investigate the feasibility and provide for the creation of a capital grant specifically for HEI’s planning, development and construction of on- campus student accommodation. 5. To ensure that NAMA recognises the student housing issue as a social issue and to be recognised as a social housing issue to assist with development and planning to meet demand. 6. Consideration to be given to tax measures to develop on-campus accommodation for HEIs. 7. […]
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Citizenship Policies

[…]people to leave their home countries such as arms trade, fossil fuel industry, and prison and border industries.   2021 CZN 4     USI Climate Action Network Proposed By USI Vice President Dublin region Congress recognises The important role young people and particularly students have played in the fight against global warming. Climate change is here. As the impact of climate change intensifies over the coming few years, it is the children and young people of today who will face the worst effects. Young people across the globe have taken to the streets, to protest against the lack of action on […]

Polasaithe Gaeilge

[…]participate in it fully. Funding opportunities with relevant bodies should also be researched in order to allow more MOs to engage with the scheme. Congress also mandates: The Leas-Uachtarán don Ghaeilge to create a resource pack with specific guidelines on how to complete certain actions as outlined in the scheme, so that they can become more bilingual. Repeals: 20 GAE 8 2021 GAE 3: Seachtain na Gaeilge Molta ag/Proposed by Coiste Cultúrtha AMLÉ Aithníonn an Chomhdháil Go mbíonn Seachtain na Gaeilge á réachtail go náisiúnta idir 1-17 Márta gach bliain. Creideann an Chomhdháil Go bhfuil sé tábhachtach go n-eagraítear imeachtaí […]

USI Launches Student Pre-Budget Submission

[…]education. You can download the submission here: USI Pre-Budget Submission 2017 USI VP for the Border, Midlands and Western region, Michael Kerrigan, hand-delivered a copy of the pre-budget submission  with students from GMIT Castlebar campus, to Taoiseach Enda Kenny’s offices in Tucker Street, Castlebar; and USI VP for the Southern region, Niamh Murtagh, hand-delivered a copy at 9am to Micheál Martin’s offices in Turner’s Cross, Cork. “The third-level sector has struggled to perform during many years of austerity.” Annie Hoey, USI President, said. “USI believes that the sector should be praised for its efforts to deliver quality education during a sustained […]

Union Organisation

[…]Regional Vice Presidents to investigate the communication methods of each Member Organisation in order to collate best practice from each Member Organisation in order to assist each Member Organisation to improve their communication methods where necessary. Congress further mandates: The VP Campaigns, in conjunction with the Regional Vice Presidents, to agree a Memorandum of Understanding with each Member Organisation on communicating important information with their students. Congress further mandates: The VP Campaigns to work with Union staff to create effective, alternative means of communicating to students in Member Organisations and to include progress in this regard as a standing item […]

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